Evidence Synthesis

Crystallise empower management decisions with comprehensive insights through biomedical evidence synthesis.

Case Studies

A Reinsurance client sought a rapid and comprehensive overview of key disease areas to inform critical illness product underwriting. They needed insights into evolving disease definitions, diagnosis methods, and new technologies impacting morbidity, mortality and workability of affected individuals. Our expert team of medical researchers conducted a swift and in-depth evidence synthesis project. Over two months, we collated and analysed evidence on nine disease areas, presenting concise reports to the client. Our work informed key management decisions surrounding their medical underwriting practices and risk management.

At Crystallise, we are committed to offering you high-quality reviews to the desired level of detail. For this reason, we offer a range from micro/rapid to systematic literature reviews of the evidence on a topic, speedily supporting our clients’ evolving product lines and risk management objectives. We search the literature for relevant biomedical data, which we then group according to the disease, technology and outcomes of interest (e.g. disease incidence/prevalence, mortality, interventions/technology). We then interpret the evidence summarise the evidence in a slide deck and provide an overview of the literature based on the client’s specification. We also offer clients the ability to visualize the evidence on our Evidence Mapper Platform.

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SS17 0HD


Company No: 7980921
Data Protection Act Registration No: Z3363643
VAT No: 190 8750 82

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