Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare

Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare » Evidence-based Research

Crystallise aims to summarise the scientific literature in an objective and truthful way. For this reason, we use a thorough and detailed approach to search the literature for scientific publications relevant to the topic, disease or population of interest. This evidence-based approach ensures that the relevant literature is analysed accurately, efficiently and transparently. Our team of researchers, medical writers and copy-editors deliver strategically relevant and comprehensive written reports and global value dossiers, as well as visually informative summary slide decks, to suit internal business development, market access, journal publication and health technology assessment submissions.

We exploit technology to make all our literature reviews faster, more accurate and more efficient. We supplement our searches with our own database of HEOR- and mortality-related articles (, use our ergonomic Evidence Mapper platform to minimize abstract screening and shortlisting effort, and reduce the risk of missing relevant articles with our machine-learning “robot-screener” software. We have developed and routinely use additional processes that maximise the accuracy of our screening, data extraction and reporting.

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SS17 0HD

Company No: 7980921
Data Protection Act Registration No: Z3363643
VAT No: 190 8750 82

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